is the unconditional key to building God’s work on earth. It is the breakdown
of Biblical leadership, in fact, that is the chief problem today. Leadership,
such as those mentioned in the last installment, is the major contributor to
the secular direction the Church has taken. I do not wish to sound unkind or
divisive, but I want to be totally, absolutely, exclusively Biblical in
building God’s Church, and the fact is that that is not the approach of the
majority of Church leadership today. We are not attacking anyone here, we are
not being personal, rather we are discerning truth from error according to the
Word of God alone.
foundation for building God’s work revolves around what Scripture calls
“spiritual gifts,” and specifically the “office gifts” as declared in Ephesians
4:8 and 11: When [Christ] ascended up on
high, he . . . gave gifts unto men . . . And he gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. Spiritual gifts
are essential to all earthly ministry. Without them, in fact, the Church can
not possibly function. Without the gift of teaching (Rom. 12:7), for example,
there would be no one to teach and preach the Word so people could grow.
Without the gift of ministry (service), nothing would ever get done within the
Body. Paul deals first with gifted
leadership because it is the key to building and maintaining the Church.
The words He
gave are pivotal. The Greek here includes an “intensive pronoun” (autos
edoken) that yields the literal idea “He Himself gave,” that
is, He and no one else. In other words, these offices are God-given
only, not by the Church, not by a school, not even by the person who wants to
fill an office. The common attitude today is that someone can just say, “I want
to teach,” and are then qualified to teach. While such willingness is
commendable, it doesn’t qualify. As none of the Apostles appointed themselves but were chosen by Christ, neither
does any man appoint himself to any of these offices. As one commentator aptly
puts it, “The Jesus Who ascended—this, and none other, is the sovereign donor.
The provider and bestower are one in the same.” As we’ll see in a later
installment, it is Christ alone Who calls to ministry.
So, these
“office gifts” consist of specially gifted men which God has given to the
Church as leaders. There can be no doubt whatsoever that the reason for the
state of the Church today lies at the doorstep of its leaders. As mentioned
earlier, it has been poor leadership that has lead people down the road of
secularism, Pragmatism, and Relativism.
Mark it
down: the Church will rise or fall based on its leadership. One
illustration should suffice. Can we imagine the consequences of sending an army
into battle without leadership? What would be the result of the battle if there
were no squad leaders, no company captains, no division generals, or any other
commanding officers? What would be the magnitude of disaster if we just sent
the army into battle with words, “Just do the best you can?” But that is
exactly what the church is doing today because of weak and sometimes
non-existent leadership. We have neglected the strict qualifications for
leadership, abandoned proper training for ministry, and have discarded the
entire concepts of the call and ordination.