Continuing our examination of Ephesians 4:25 to take off
lying to put on truth, is lying something that should surprise us? Not at all. Even the briefest
examination of mankind reveals that nothing is more characteristic of his wrong
behavior, nothing more typical of the “Old Man,” than lying. It’s as natural
for a person to lie as it is for the sun to rise—it’s a given, an axiom of
human behavior. Psalms 58:3 makes this clear: “The wicked are estranged from
the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.” Notice it
doesn’t say “as soon as they can talk.” Coherent speech is not needed to lie.
Every parent knows that even an infant can feign needs and deceive.
The very
first sin of mankind, in fact, was the result of a lie, Satan’s lie. Remember
that Satan “deceived” Eve and deception is part of the definition of a lie. He
deliberately deceived her with the words, “Ye shall not surely die,” not to
mention all the other things he said to delude her mind and mislead her.
Furthermore, Satan not only lied, but he even called God a liar. May we always
remember, Satan is a liar and is the “father of lies” (Jn:8:44).
6:12 says that “a wicked man, walketh with a froward [i.e., perverted, twisted,
crafty] mouth.” Four verses later, the second of seven abominations to
God—second only to pride—is “a lying tongue” and again the sixth is “a false
witness that speaketh lies.” An “abomination” is something disgusting and
abhorrent, which is probably why this truth is repeated in Proverbs 12:22:
“Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his
delight.” A lie is disgusting to God!
The sad
fact is that our entire society is based on lying. One could almost call it an
“art form,” because of those who are so talented at it. Have you ever wondered
what would happen if everybody told the truth all the time? What
if every advertiser and salesman told the truth about his product? What if
every politician told the truth about his platform, supporters, and voting
record? What if every lawyer told the truth about his clients? What if every
doctor told the truth about whether a test or procedure was really necessary?
What if every business told the truth about how it got its money? What if every
non-profit organization told the truth about what donator’s money was used for?
The result of such a scenario would collapse our society because lying is not
only acceptable, it’s expected. Truth simply is no longer
important or even prudent. It’s just not “good for business.”
After Paul
writes the well-known words, “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom.
3:10), the characteristic sin he mentions in verse 13 is lying: “Their
throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the
poison of asps is under their lips.” As mentioned earlier, when our Lord said
to the Pharisees, “Ye are of your father the devil” (Jn. 8:44), He says it with
the backdrop that Satan has “no Truth in Him . . . for he is a liar, and the
father of it.” To lie, then, is to align oneself with Satan, never God, because
God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), for He is “the God of Truth” (Ps. 31:5).
nothing is more characteristic of man’s fallen nature and behavior than lying.
Eve lied (Gen. 3:3), Satan lied (v. 4), Adam lied (v. 12), Cain lied (4:9),
Abram lied (12:13), Rebekah and Jacob lied (27:1-40), Laban lied (29:25),
Joseph’s eleven brothers lied (37:32), and Potiphar’s wife lied (39:14). And
that’s just the book of Genesis and only ones that are recorded! By nature, man
hates the Truth because it makes him responsible, so the way to
avoid both is to lie. We’ll continue next time.